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monster truck 超巨型卡車。


Introduction : this action in the boxing game , the player will play the unfortunate protagonist wade hixton . when hes in albuquerque speed monster truck competition r monster truck ally on their way home , but because of the accident which led to the pair once again bashed 在這款拳擊動作游戲中,玩家將扮演倒霉的主角wade hixton ,當他從于albuquerque舉辦的怪物卡車競速比賽monster truck rally回家的路上,卻因為意外而導致愛車再度撞壞。

This action in the boxing game , the player will play the unfortunate protagonist wade hixton . when hes in albuquerque speed monster truck competition r monster truck ally on their way home , but because of the accident which led to the pair once again bashed 在這款拳擊動作游戲中,玩家將扮演倒霉的主角wade hixton ,當他從于albuquerque舉辦的怪物卡車競速比賽monster truck rally回家的路上,卻因為意外而導致愛車再度撞壞。

In championship mode you must complete a level with a minimum of damage to unlock new levels . once you get the hang of monster truck , you ' ll be hooked 在冠軍模式下你必須在最小的破壞程度下完成每一級難度來解鎖下一關。一旦你得到游戲中的鬼怪卡車,你將愛不釋手!

1 don ' t ask us what we ' re thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lints , the shotgun formation , or monster trucks 第一條:不要問我們在想什么,除非你們準備與我們討論諸如包肚臍眼的綁帶,霰彈獵槍的構造,或者巨型卡車等問題。

America ' s love affair with automobiles spans far and wide , from monster truck rallies and race car shows to supersize suvs 美國人對汽車的興趣跨度很廣,無論對大腳車拉力賽和賽車表演還是大型越野車都非常喜歡。

In monster truck challenge you ride a monstertruck and have to complete increasingly difficult obstacle courses 在鬼怪卡車挑戰賽中你將駕駛一輛鬼怪卡車(大車輪卡車)并且去完成不斷增加難度的障礙賽。

The rebel of opera , popped off the choclate and the ? gosha ? monster truck crush you imposters (鈺)我和你的愛情好像水晶秘密乾凈又透明

And a monster truck 和一輛巨輪卡車。

Whoo ! monster trucks rock 哇!怪物大卡車!

“ tonight at the arena ! thunderama monster truck rally ! 今晚,就在這個競技場!聚集了瘋狂的怪物卡車!

The monster truck in the garage , the beer girl . . 車庫里的怪物卡車啤酒女孩